The (semi-) Adventurous Life of a Mom, a Wife, a Rider...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Better today than yesterday

Yesterday was rough. The pain was pretty bad when the meds wore off each time and it was hard to get in and out of the bed. The worst thing was that I had a hard time getting fluids down. It took me all day just to get a glass of water down. I did manage about 1/2 a protein shake as well and maybe a 1/4 cup of chicken broth, but that was it for the entire day.

The problem was that after a swallow or two, I would feel a knot at the bottom of my esophagus, which I'm assuming is the band and it was quite uncomfortable so I had to stop drinking for a bit each time. I spoke to the RN and she said the knot feeling was from being swollen and would get better. She said to just keep sipping and walking. I did manage to walk out to the mailbox and I did laps around our living room, dining room, and kitchen circle several times. I got in my 20 minutes of walking at least, to ward off blood clots.

This morning, however, the effects of dehydration from yesterday came on full force. I woke up not feeling so hot and when I got up to pee, I thought I was going to pass out. I had to take the nausea meds they gave me for the first time. After that settled down, though, I was able to drink quite a bit of water and it went down much easier than yesterday. Hopefully, I will be able to hydrate much better today and avoid that happening again.

Joe is being such a trooper taking care of Cameron and getting him ready in the morning and off to daycare. I know it's a lot on him with his work stresses and his long commute. Speaking of Cameron, though, we've had quite an exciting last 2 days. He has finally started pooping in the potty after months of potty training. He's been a pro at peeing for awhile now, but the pooping thing has been a major obstacle. Everyone was starting to pull our hair out...Joe, me, his grandparents, and his daycare. We just couldn't figure out his "button" to get him over the hump. He seemed motivated by nothing enough to do it.

I'm still not sure what changed for him, but hopefully we have turned a corner now. He will be able to move up to the 3's class where he should have been long ago since he's 3 1/2. I guess he and I are both starting a new chapter in our lives together :o)


  1. Good news for mom and for son! LOL! That seems to be an especially tough hump for little boys, if my son and yours are any judge of it. Good that you can get more liquids down. Looking forward to more positive reports!

  2. How are you doing now? How many days has it been? What is your progress?
